
One-day trip to Sunamganj

The time was 2017. I was studying at university then. The addition of the tour has not yet taken its toll. But if I was upset or if I had money, I would run. After the exam, I really wanted to go somewhere far away. It was already cold. The best option for a winter tour is to spend the night in a tent or camping. But it did not seem safe to pitch a tent and spend the night near a mountain in Bangladesh. So, leaving all the thoughts out of my head, I went out with my bag on my shoulder. I had six other traveling companions with me on this journey. So after going out, it was decided that we are going to Sunamganj. I did not know that Sunamganj actually has something to see. But this unplanned tour of Sunamganj is one of the most memorable tours of my life. On that day it was realized that the creator had arranged his creation in a wonderful way for us. Anyway, let’s get to the point. Today I will share with you some of the best places in Sunamganj where we went, how we went, what were our mistakes, and how to visit Sunamganj in one day at a low cost. Today’s tour is for those busy people who want to relax for 1 day.

First of all, we have covered 3 spots of Sunamganj properly. Being the first week of November, it was very cold in Sunamganj city. Dhaka’s Syedabad Ena, Hanif, and Al-Mobarka bus leave for Sunamganj. After having dinner we left for Ena by bus at 10 pm. So, the bus takes a break at Comilla. You can have a light meal from here. The prices of food in the hotels here are very high. Be sure to ask the price before taking the food. We had eaten fish and rice, our bill came to Tk 380 (2 pax). Click here for booking Dhaka to Sunamganj Bus Ticket Online.

At the end of the journey, we boarded the bus again. The bus reached Sunamganj by 4 o’clock. It was dark all around. We were sitting at the Ena bus counter and waiting for morning. We went out early in the morning. Now it’s time to have breakfast.

If you want, you can have breakfast at Pansi Hotel a little away. There are also many food hotels here. The first thing to do after breakfast is to reserve CNG. We went a long time ago so I don’t remember exactly how much it took. But of course, you should bargain and also tell the spot’s name clearly. You can reserve in two ways. For the whole day or from Sunamganj Sadar to Jadukata River and then from Jadukata River to the rest of the spots to Sunamganj. If you want to reduce costs, you may not reserve at once.

The CNG will first drop you a short distance from the Jadukata river. The rest of the way is sandy and has to be crossed on foot. From a distance, the water of the river seemed to be dark blue. A sandy desert in front,  then the vast river, small hills behind, and Indian green hills on one side. I felt like I was in Switzerland. It felt good to walk in the cold sand. But there was a lot of wind and everyone started shivering from the cold. After spending some time here, we went to the ferry port. We will cross the ferry for Tk 10 and go to the next spots. If you bring a bike or reserve a bike, you can pick up the bike on the ferry. I went up from the ferry port and got a nice view. It seemed like a scene from a calendar. The view of India’s Meghalaya and the Jadukata river from the top is breathtaking. Then start walking again. The next destinations are Red Cottonbagan and Niladri. The two spots are very close to each other.

The more I admire Niladri’s beauty, the less it will become………. Niladri is basically a lake. The small rocks and hills around have kept Niladri with utmost care. We could see the green color of Niladri water more clearly in the afternoon sunlight. These places were completely unfamiliar when we visited. It was not possible to go down into the water then. Seeing a boat on the lakeside, we moved forward. After much searching, the sailor was found. Such a beautiful watercolor. in fact, if you can’t touch it with your hands, it seems like it’s futile to come. We explored the lake by boat. Despite the sunshine, the lake water was very cold. The boatman said that the depth of this lake is too much so no one goes in. After the boat trip, we took some rest and went to see the Red Cotton garden next to it. At that time the whole area was uninhabited. I saw two bicycles in a small tea shop and asked if I could ride them. I saw two children come and ask for the entry fee for Red Cotton garden. After playing with them for a while we entered the garden. One end of this huge garden can not be seen from the other end. I found a little peace in this place in the whole desert area. The sunlight was shining on us through the green leaves of the Red Cotton garden. Cycling here is great. The trees are planted in the same way throughout the garden. If you want, you can first visit Red Cottonbagan and then take a boat trip to Niladri Lake in the afternoon. In the afternoon we back from Red Cottonbagan to Sunamganj. Came to Dhaka by night bus from Sunamganj. This was the story of our one-day trip to Sunamganj.

How to come to Sunamganj?

I am telling you a very simple way. You can reach Sunamganj by direct bus from Dhaka. Some buses go from Dhaka to Sunamganj including Ena, Hanif, and Al-Mobarka from Sayedabad, Kalabagan, etc in Dhaka. The rent will be Tk 500-550 per person.

If you want to come from Sylhet, you can take a bus from Sylhet’s Dampar bus stand.

There is no direct train from Dhaka to Sunamganj. However, if you want to come to Sylhet by train, you can take the rest of the way by bus.

Food Hotels in Sunamgonj-

There are no good quality food hotels in the Tahirpur area. Since the afternoon will be spent at Niladri and Red Cottonbagan and there are no food hotels around it, you can take food packets with you. You can take your dinner at Pansi Restaurant.

Sunamganj Travel Precautions-

1) Sunamganj is better to visit between July and November. However, if you want to see flowers in Red Cottonbagan, you have to go in spring. Towards March. Red Cotton flower blooms for 10-15 days. So if you’re going to see Red Cotton flowers in the Red Cotton garden, you should know the update there. But apart from flowers, the Red Cotton garden is very beautiful.

2) If you don’t know how to swim, don’t forget to go down in the water. Niladri lake and Jadukata river are both quite deep. If you want, you can take off the life jacket.

3) Know the weather conditions. November is very cold. Then take the preparation in that way. And don’t forget to take a raincoat with you when it’s rainy

4) Before renting a bike/CNG/Laguna, bargain first.

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