
Beauty Boarding- Old Dhaka

Beauty Boarding is a traditional two-storied house in Old Dhaka. It is located at No. 1 Srish Das Lane. The builder of this yellow-green house was the landlord Sudhir Chandra Das. Nalini Mohan was his eldest son. And Nalini Mohan’s elder daughter’s name was Beauty, after whom it was named Beauty Boarding. Beauty Boarding, this name is associated with Bengali culture, tradition, history, and the names of many wise and virtuous people. This house is filled with many memories cause once upon a time it was a place for the hangout of intellectuals. At that time Beauty boarding was a place for their laugh, jokes, and stories during work or leisure time. Top 10 Places in Dhaka You must visit in 2022

How to go for beauty boarding-

From anywhere in Bangladesh you must first come to Old Dhaka. No buses, cars, or Autos move inside Old Dhaka. So you must choose a rickshaw. However, I think Google Maps is the easiest and most hassle-free way to travel around Old Dhaka. You can also go with the help of Google Maps.

The full address of Beauty Boarding is given below-

1 Shrish Das Lane, Banglabazar, Dhaka-1100

Contact- 9533058, Mobile- 01786268608



In the absence of Landlord Sudhir Chandra Das, his 2 sons Prahlad Saha and Nalini Mohan Saha looked after the house. In 1971, Prahlad Saha and many of his family members were killed by the Pakistani military. Later, Nalini Mohan migrated to India with the rest of her family. After many years of independence, he returned to Bangladesh and took the responsibility of beauty boarding. Currently, Tarak Saha takes care of it. This old-style house was built on 0.55-acre land. It has a food hotel and a small temple inside the building. You have to pay 20 Taka to visit the top of the house. The place is not that big. The stairs to the roof are closed. There are several species of plants here. You can taste old-style Bengali cooked food in this hotel. They serve food on steel plates, and glass, which I like very much. You can have lunch here. Hope you won’t be disappointed.

Beauty Boarding Accommodation-

Beauty Boarding has a total of 27 rooms. You can spend a night here if you want. Single bed rent is Tk 200 (per night) and the double bed is Tk 500 (per night).

Thank You. Happy Travelling.

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